CSJ Security

Cyber security consulting specializing in cyber incident response

Pre and post incident cyber security consulting

Are you or have you recently dealt with a cyber security incident and do not know what to do next? Are you struggling with understanding proper controls to avoid breaches in the future? 

CSJ Security can help your business:


  • Review your current security controls for adequacy
  • Create and review a security plan to ensure your business has what it needs to reduce the risk of cyber security incidents
  • Create IR run books
  • Facilitate incident tabletop exercises
  • Perform technical and non technical assessments of your security posture  

We are here for you

CSJ Security is a proven cyber security consultant that can help ensure you and your organization are ready to handle a cyber security incident. We can help train staff, create playbooks, performing testing, and much more.
In addition to cyber incident response, we offer a wide range of services to ensure you have proper security controls in place and that you have a solid security plan to reduce the risk of cyber incidents.


CSJ Security specializes in incident response in a regulated healthcare environment. We know how important it is to meet the requirements of HIPAA and incident reporting. Let us help you prepare.

It's not if, but when

csj security
